Funded projects

Results of the 6th open call

Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness


Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud (Development Cooperation Roundtable)

Increasing the advocacy capacity of Estonian development cooperation organizations in the direction of horizontal priorities of sustainable development

EUR 64 640

The aim of the project is to increase the advocacy capacity of the AKÜ network in horizontal issues of sustainable development. The development plan for sustainable development developed by the United Nations and integrated into Estonia's domestic and foreign policy includes three horizontal priority themes, the development of which must be represented in all output policies. Given the role of the AKÜ as an umbrella and advocacy organization in the landscape of development cooperation and sustainable development, it is important to modernize the network's capacity in accordance with the development of the field. The current project focuses on raising the capacity on horizontal issues of gender equality and environmental protection.


Citizen OS SA

Democracy Defenders Accelerator (DDA)

EUR 54 254

Civil society and active citizens have an important role to play in a democratic and open society. This includes standing up for human rights, protecting the interest of minorities and vulnerable groups, and preserving natural resources and the environment. Active members of civil society are defenders of democracy who notice problems in society and who dare to take the responsibility for solving them. They point out when the leaders of these countries go against open society and democratic values. The Democracy Defenders Accelerator´ (DDA) aims to raise the awareness of active citizens about the principles of an open society, democratic values, and the functioning of civil society, so that they can take responsibility for initiating, implementing, and participating in community and societal projects. The DDA consists of 20 online trainings and a 10-day Democracy Defenders Bootcamp. Participants will learn how to design and deliver civic initiatives, tackling one or more problems in civil society and democracy. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to co-create and maintain a fictional organization that will be active during the whole program. As a result of the DDA program, participants have increased their knowledge of participatory leadership, methods, and technological tools for engagement, in planning, designing, and implementing civic initiative projects, and are able to reflect on their work and give feedback to other people. Further, the positive experience by people who participate in their projects, has given them confidence and experience which we believe will help these projects to have greater community or societal impact.


Domus Dorpatensis Teaduse ja Kultuuri SA (Domus Dorpatensis Foundation)

Creation of a Regional Democracy Development Coalition

EUR 77 455

The overall goal of the project is to empower the innovation of Estonian democratic institutions. In the light of growing global challenges, it is important that democratic institutions are able to remain relevant in the new context (compared to, for example, how parliaments around the world tended to be sidelined during the pandemic) and continue to fulfill their responsibilities (including human rights protection).

Therefore, a coalition of regional democracy development organizations and researchers will be launched during this project to bring international experience and expertise to Estonia, to enable the exchange of best practices and ideas, and to promote systematic international cooperation on democracy innovation.

The project has been created in collaboration with The Oslo Center (TOC) and is being implemented in cooperation with another partner from Norway - The Christian Democratic Party of Norway (KrF). Their long-term expertise in the development of democracy creates strong preconditions for the implementation of the project. During the project, another 10 non-governmental organizations engaged in democracy development (e.g. e-Governance Academy, Estonian Cooperation Council) and research institutions (e.g. TÜ, TLÜ) from Estonia and other countries around the region (eg Demo Finland, Alliance of Democracies) will be involved in the coalition.


Eesti Rahvaülikoolide Liit MTÜ (Association of Estonian Folk High Schools)

Citizenship ABC

EUR 62 068

As a result of the project implementation, the participants' awareness of the functioning of a democratic society will increase. To this end, 15 community study circles are organized, in which participants gain knowledge about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, the responsibilities of the state and local government and their opportunities to influence decisions, understand the nature and importance of sustainable development goals.

Folk high schools have a thoroughly tested and updated curriculum and competent instructors/trainers for civic education. Community or study circles are preferred as the form of conducting civic training.

The main target group of the project is members of communities who have participated less in civic training and/or lifelong learning. Also people who participate in lifelong learning and who want to have a say in the activities and problems of the community but lack the skills and knowledge of how to participate.


Eesti Väitlusselts (Estonian Debating Society)

But why? - strengthening voter behavior and political culture

EUR 62 877

The project aims to improve the culture surrounding political discourse and support critical and thought-through voter behavior. As the first step, the project aims to push voters to critically ask the question “why” in varying situations concerning political debates and societally important topics. The second step offers voters a broad range of opportunities to improve their theoretical knowledge of governance and politically relevant issues and provides them with practical directions on improving critical thinking and analysis skills. A media campaign will be launched featuring short and memorable videos that showcase different daily situations in which asking “why” can benefit the voter. Also, interactive material will be designed that helps voters to develop skills necessary for analyzing political content. Policy center Praxis, a project partner, will analyze issues relevant to the current political climate to provide voters with a starting point when navigating politics. A special focus will be put on young and future voters to improve their critical thinking and analytical skills. The aim of these activities is to increase the level of political debate and the use of well-founded claims rather than demagoguery. An additional goal is to increase mutual understanding and listening skills in everyday political discussions to constrain the already high levels of societal polarization.


Kuldne Liiga MTÜ (Golden League Association)

Partnership of elderly persons representatives and municipalities

EUR 62 829

The aim of the project is the development of age-friendly municipalities. In the course of the project cooperation between municipalities and representatives of seniors will be facilitated and appropriate forms of cooperation tested. First, municipalities that are interested and willing to promote cooperation with representatives of seniors to make municipality age-friendly will be identified. Representatives of these municipalities and seniors will be consulted on their training needs; training programs will be designed, and trainings carried out.

Based on the knowledge gained from the training, participants will do their homework with the aim of planning a suitable form of cooperation together with municipalities.

As a result of the project a training program has been designed and refined ready to be implemented in other municipalities. In at least 20 Estonian municipalities there are working forms of cooperation between the municipality and representatives of seniors in place thus ensuring that the voice of the elderly is better heard.


Loomus MTÜ

STOP CLIMATE CHANGE WITH A FORK: greener food options available to all

EUR 20 131

The main goal of the project is to increase people's awareness of how our food choices affect the environment and empower them to contribute to reducing global warming through their own diet. According to the UN, reducing meat consumption is the key to slowing down global warming.

The main target group are the residents of smaller settlements. The target group expands to other Estonian residents through social media.

As a result of the project, the participants' attitudes towards plant-based diets will change. They understand the link between global warming and food choices and how to reduce their consumption of animal products.

The Estonian Vegan Society and the Estonian Green Movement are project partners. Both contribute with their expertise, with training of volunteers, including the project team, and providing advice during the project.


Poliitikauuringute Keskus Praxis SA (Policy Center Praxis)

„Listen to us!“ Participatory Action Research for Policy Design

EUR 69 971

According to the research, most Estonian inhabitants find that their voices should be more heard in the decision-making processes. The aim of the project is to strengthen democratic culture by involving citizens in participatory action research (PAR) to increasingly take part in knowledge creation needed for decision-making processes.   

PAR is a research approach based on democratic principles and understanding that knowledge creation for social change needs to involve people from the target groups in all stages of the studies. By using PAR people affected by common issues take charge of creating knowledge and through the research process become more empowered and capable to direct changes. The approach is based on the understanding that people are experts of their experience and that research into social issues should not be a process that only researchers are entitled to. PAR approach has been used only in a few cases in Estonia.

To achieve our objectives, (1) PAR is introduced to NGO and public sector representatives who are involved with policy research; (2) two pilot-studies based on PAR approach are implemented in cooperation with project partners Estonian Union for Child Welfare and Estonian Fund for Nature; and (3) web-based guidelines about PAR will be published in Estonian.

As a result of the project PAR will be increasingly used and this will empower and involve different groups better to the decision-making processes.



Wider support for human rights and equal treatment


Eesti LGBT Ühing (Estonian LGBT Association)

One for all and all for one! Efficient networks for human rights

EUR 60 929

The Equal Treatment Network (ETN), established in 2013, unites organizations whose main activities include the protecting the equal rights of their target groups. They  work together for the equal rights and opportunities of their target groups, but currently lack a common strategy. There is a need for deeper coherence between members, so all members understand each other's issues and the importance of intersectionality and solidarity.

The overall objective of the project is to promote the principle of equal treatment and to enhance protection against discrimination through extensive network-based intersectional advocacy and cooperation. The target groups of the project are ETN member organizations, their target groups, LGBT + people and people in the general public who are exposed to ETN’s topics.

Within the framework of the project, there will be an ETN’s strategy seminar and a conference for Baltic Pride 2023 in co-creation with network members. In addition, ETN members, their target groups and the LGBT Association's LGBT+ network will have the opportunity to meet each other at the networks’ round table. The project will conclude with ETN's final seminar where a plan for future activities will be established.

As a result of the project, the capacity and cooperation of ETN members in the field of advocacy will improve, and vulnerable groups will be empowered and motivated to stand up for the rights and well-being of other vulnerable people. In addition, non-LGBT+ communities and advocates will stand for LGBT + issues and public awareness on the importance of intersectionality and solidarity will increase.

The project partner is the Estonian Human Rights Center which is the coordinator of the ETN. They will organize the strategy seminar and the final seminar. The Center will participate in all project activities.


Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus (Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Center)

Education without gender stereotypes = more equal and wider opportunities for young people

EUR 54 385

The aim of the project is to advance the knowledge as well as the need to avoid gender stereotypes in educational literature and materials as well as to raise the theoretical awareness and practical knowledge of gender equality among educational staff, teacher educators, curricula creators, publishers and teachers alike.

An analysis of the current situation will be carried out, where a selection of educational materials (both digital and paper versions) will be studied; discussions and training on gender stereotypes will be organized with the project target group and project partners.

The project also foresees training for experts, who will contribute to the topic even after the end of the project timeframe. The main output of the project is a guide created by ENUT experts on gender stereotypes and their prevention for the authors of educational literature and their everyday users. At the end of the project the guidance material is piloting among different target groups and is presented to a wider audience during the final conference of the project.

The partners of this project are NGOs The Estonian Publishers’ Association, Estonian Education Forum, and Tallinn University who will provide their expertise in analyzing the existing materials and putting together the guidance material for the future.


Eesti Pagulasabi (Estonian Refugee Council)

Raising young people’s awareness about migration and the challenges of adaptation and integration

EUR 50 349

The aim of the project is to increase awareness of Estonian schoolchildren about the causes of (forced) migration and the challenges that refugees and people with a migration background face while adapting and integrating in a new country. During the project, at least 240 schoolchildren from 12 different schools will have a chance to play the board game about adaptation and integration called “Diamond Island”, followed by a discussion on (forced) migration, adaptation, and integration in the classroom. Based on the experience gained, a methodological guide will be developed that schoolteachers and youth workers can use in their work in the future. The instructions for making a board game and the methodological guide will be uploaded to the Estonian Refugee Council website and to the e-schoolbag, so that developed materials will be available for everyone. 45 schoolteachers and youth workers will be trained, so they will be able to conduct similar game sessions after the end of the project. As a result of the project, schoolchildren's attitudes towards refugees and people with a different migration background will improve and their understanding about the role of individuals in the adaptation and integration of immigrants will increase.


Kiusamisvaba Kool SA (Bullying-free Foundation)

Promotion of human rights and equal treatment via bullying prevention in Estonian schools

EUR 70 000

With this project the Bullying-Free School Foundation aims to support the valuing of human rights, equal treatment and related practices via bullying prevention in Estonian schools. To achieve the goal, the project includes three mutually supportive courses of action - 1) bringing and disseminating expert knowledge and best practices related to the prevention of bullying of minorities (LGBT+, national minorities, refugees) and cyberbullying to Estonia, 2) promoting bullying-free education with the help of a web-based teacher trainings, and 3) supporting the reduction of bullying in Russian-language instruction and language immersion schools by inviting  them to adopt the research and evidence-based KiVa programme. The project helps to make anti-bullying know-how more accessible to teachers and specialists by enabling the development of web content, materials and e-trainings in Estonian and Russian language. Targeted communication will be carried out in the direction of school administrators and school personnel about the need for evidence-based prevention of bullying and the possibility of the continued expansion of the KiVa programme into Estonian schools. The main target groups of the project are school administrators (local government, state officials), school principals, teachers and support specialists from schools teaching in Estonian and as well in Russian language. During the project, a training website with content that supports bullying-free education will be developed and launched in both Estonian and Russian languages (on site, and in 2024 at least 5 new Russian-language and/or language immersion schools will be joining the KiVa programme.


Võluvõru MTÜ

The Middle Aged in the Society as Equal Citizens

EUR 70 000

The population of middle aged in the society is consistently increasing and their contribution to the community should not be underestimated. It is necessary to support, include and expand one's knowledge to continuingly be an active citizen. The project “The Middle Aged in the Society as Equal Citizens” target group are 50+ year old people from Põlva and Võru county and another target group are people who wish to contribute to the well-being of the middle aged and them being active members of society. There have been two supporting training programs to help to understand and find solutions to manage well in our ageing society. As a result of the program there are more people in the neighbouring areas who are knowledgeable of their opportunities to be involved in the society and communities, feel needed and can contribute their skills and experience in the development of the local area. The project´s partner is Põlvamaa Rahvaülikool.



Vulnerable groups empowered


Avatud Hariduse Liit (Open Education Association)


EUR 66 567

The aim of the project is to provide support to municipalities and communities in South-Estonia, by training, mentoring, and supporting volunteer support persons and case managers. The broader aim of the project is to strengthen communities by training community members who are willing to support refugees or other people in need in their communities. The project will help municipalities to fulfil their obligation to provide supportive social services.

The target group of the project are support persons who are already helping or willing to help Ukrainian refugees or other people in vulnerable situation in the local communities on a voluntary basis. Two groups of support persons, each with 15-16 participants will go through the training program as well as supervised practice. The training curriculum will cover all the areas needed to help the client and will be based on the CARe methodology. CARe is focused on the quality of life of people who are mentally and socially in a vulnerable situation. The methodology is a tool for professional care workers to support clients in achieving their desired quality of life.

The final beneficiaries of the project are Ukrainian war refugees and other vulnerable members of the community in need of a support person. During the supervised practice following the training, up to 32 people in need will be supported. Project partner Mihkelson Center will share its experience in working as a support person, and provide assistance in organizing the practical work of support persons.


Eesti Puuetega Inimeste Koda (Estonian Chamber of Disabled People)

Program on raising awareness on accessibility

EUR 67 132

The aim of the project is to empower vulnerable groups and provide opportunities for better participation in society by raising the knowledge about accessibility at large. One sub-goal is to raise awareness within our own network. The wider goal of the project lies in contributing to the creation of accessible solutions, which also supports improving the situation and coping mechanisms for people with disabilities, because accessibility helps to participate in the life of society on an equal basis with others.

The project consists of various activities, all of which contribute to raising awareness, such as the development and delivery of a training program, the preparation and creation of accessibility awareness videos, the development of e-learning content and the creation of an accessible training environment. Accessibility issues are the main focus, in addition to specifics of different disabilities, as accessibility is directly linked to creating opportunities for people with disabilities. At the same time accessibility is also important for other members of society, because it takes into account the whole life cycle of a person, which again makes the project important for even a wider target group.

The project will contribute to empowering vulnerable target groups more widely, as it is an accessibility awareness program. The project will help to empower people with disabilities and increase accessibility, while providing sector-specific knowledge to vulnerable target groups through the network of the Estonian Chamber of People with Disabilities.

Our partner in making the videos is Motion Pixels joint adventure. Joint adventure Vaimupuu helps to edit and test the video in easy-to-read language. We will engage the sign language experts from Viipekeeletõlgid joint adventure and experts from Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority.


Eesti Transinimeste Ühing (Estonian Trans Alliance)

“TRANSforming Media”: Amplifying Trans and Nonbinary Voices through Community Building and Visibility in Media

EUR 63 683

The project will empower trans and non-binary people and other gender-diverse individuals in Estonian society through the creation of an informative web platform, education of media staff, and events and media content aimed at the trans community. The project is carried out by the Estonian Trans Alliance (hereinafter Alliance), in cooperation with the Estonian LGBT Association, MTÜ Oma Tuba, and the National Queer Association of Iceland.


Loovalt koos MTÜ

Empowerment and Capacity Building of Ukrainian War Refugees and Teachers and Support Specialists in Estonian Schools

EUR 75 481

The project aims to increase the influence of vulnerable groups in Estonian society by involving and empowering Ukrainian war refugees, and by supporting and raising awareness of teachers and support professionals in Estonian schools. The project consists of three activities: 1) a program of city camps for children and young people; 2) a support group for women, and 3) a series of workshops for teachers and support professionals, focusing on raising awareness about cultural sensitivity and adaptation of war refugees. The project team includes project manager and project assistant /communication specialist responsible for project planning, implementation and communication, and an Ukrainian psychologist leading the support group and participating in the activities of the city camps. As a result of the project, the participants are more empowered to make decisions about their live, and their sense of belonging to Estonia and the local community has grown. Teachers and support professionals are more aware of the issue related to refugee adaptation and their cultural awareness has increased. The activities of the project support the formation of a network of cooperation and support between Ukrainian war refugees and a community of practice among teachers and support specialists in Tallinn and Harju County.


Peaasjad Koolitus MTÜ

Bringing community-based mental health support activities to Southern Estonian counties

EUR 69 619

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of mental health in the communities of Southern Estonia and reduce aggravation of mental health problems. In cooperation with local people, we develop a shared concern and a culture of mutual support in Southern Estonia. We will bring discussions on mental health closer to the people by organizing mental health cafés with the help of volunteers at major local events. We support the leaders of local improv comedy hobby groups and help them find participants for their groups by organizing improv shows, discussions and workshops. We support the formation of a network of impro leaders and a community of enthusiasts. Through a new collaboration between Kinoteater NGO and mental health specialists, we create a joke writing training that focuses on mental health. In this way, we offer local residents the opportunity to express their mental health experiences by writing jokes and, after completing the training, to share them on stage as part of a stand-up comedy show. The project covers 4 counties in South Estonia and the target group is all residents of South Estonia. More than 1,200 people directly participate in the project's activities, and we share information about the approach across Estonia.


Peemoti Raamatud MTÜ

Behemoth’s Books. Creating a Self-Sustaining Community Centre for Tartu’s LGBT+ Community Using the Methods of Co-Creation and Service Design

EUR 64 392

The aim of the project is to create a self-sustaining community centre in Tartu that supports 14 to 40 year old members of the LGBT+ community through organizing events and social entrepreneurship. Using the methods of co-creation and service design, and with the input and help of the local LGBT+ community, a community centre will be created that aims to be a safe space for the community and serves as a meeting place, as well as a place for hosting cultural events in Tartu. The centre will sell books, the art of local members of the LGBT+ community, as well as create jobs for them. Events hosted during the project will support the social situation of the LGBT+ community, who will additionally assess the necessity of certain events.


Valgamaa Puuetega Inimeste Koda MTÜ (Valgamaa Chamber of Disabled People)

Increasing the capacity of social support groups in Valga County Chamber of Disabled People

EUR 32 160

NGO Valga County Chamber of Disabled People brings together various associations and hobby groups operating as non-governmental organizations, where the work with different groups is on a voluntary basis. Group leaders need skills to retain, increase, empower, collaborate members and conduct activities. As active community leaders, group leaders motivate members of support groups to take part in social life and thereby draw attention to the interests of marginalized groups in the development of various policies and services by NGOs and the public sector. There is a need to increase the involvement, activity, empowerment, and awareness of marginalized groups to meet their needs. For this reason the project will conduct training for group leaders based on the DUO support group methodology and will organize study trips to Tallinn and Oslo to get acquainted with the activities of support groups offered by various organizations. Project participants acquire knowledge of the principles of group operation, the processes taking place in groups and are able to adapt programs to the needs of their target group, and have new tools for keeping themselves as group leaders. In addition, participants will gain knowledge on how to ensure the sustainability of the organization, find and participate in the activities of various cooperation networks, and contribute to the development of social services.